Insulation Facings
Get the Vapor Barriers You Need
Improve Product Quality & Cost-Effectiveness with Our Eco-Friendly Vapor Barriers
The demand for US manufactured UL Classified insulation vapor retarders and facings has never been higher. With countless industries relying on vapor retarders to improve the quality, safety, and cost-effectiveness of their products, our 300,000 sq/ft facility in Plymouth, Indiana stays busy year-round. Established in 2016, Winona Building Products is proud to offer complete, eco-friendly solutions for all your vapor retarder, insulation facing, and lamination needs. To learn more about custom applications contact us about our contract lamination services today.

Most Common Industries We Serve:
Metal Building
The Benefits & Applications of Vapor Barriers
Winona’s PSK, FSK vapor barriers, and KSK floor protection products are an important component for a wide variety of products and services in industries like Automotive, HVAC, Construction, Metal Building, and Aerospace. Here are some common applications of our vapor barriers, insulation facing, and floor protection products are an important component for a wide variety of products. Winona’s PSK, FSK vapor barriers, and KSK floor protection products are an important component for a wide variety of products and services in industries like Automotive, HVAC, Construction, Metal Building, and Aerospace. Here are some common applications of our vapor barriers, insulation facing, and floor protection products:
Basement Wall Facings
Custom Laminates
Duct Board Facings
Duct Wrap Facings
Foam Board Facings
Foam Panel Facings
Floor Protection Papers
High Temperature Textiles
High Temperature Insulation
Metal Building Facings
OEM: Appliance, HVAC Facings
Perforated Facings
Pipe Facings
Roofing Underlayment
Thermal Insulation Facings
Floor Protection Papers
- And More...
Winona Building Products are critical in all these situations and more. If you’re looking to make your products safer, increase their longevity, make them more fire-retardant, and more environmentally safe — consider one of the solutions made by Winona Building Products. From our state-of-the-art facility, we engineer products that exceed performance specifications.
The basic process is as follows:
We have the ability to laminate 2 types of media with continuous scrim of various specifications sandwiched in between the 2 layers. One of the layers may be a plastic film such as polypropylene or aluminum, while the other outer lawyer can be kraft paper or other materials, provided certain porosity requirements are met to ensure proper bonding and drying of the final laminated product.
This process guarantees that you get high-quality lamination that is light weight, durable, and eco-friendly. We can also help you develop custom products and lamination combinations. Call us today to learn more!
What We Do:
We construct premium-quality vapor barriers / retarders, insulation facings, and job site protection papers
FSK (Foil-Scrim-Kraft) insulation facings, useful for many HVAC and construction products. FSK serves as a vapor barrier that controls moisture and works as a protective barrier over various insulation materials, such as for example fiberglass.
PSK (Polypropylene-Scrim-Kraft), is another insulation facing that is useful for ductwork, metal building insulation, and basement wall facings.
We also can laminate the specialty facings of your choosing
We do all this using eco-friendly adhesives
Reach out to us today to get a quote!